I Want To…

I want to hold you,
Rock you gently in my arms
As I lay with you
Pleasures inundate in swarms
And our hearts are safe from harms

I want to kiss you,
Softly, gently without haste
As I savor you
I relish your unique taste
And our bodies are not chaste

I want to touch you,
Feel your every inch of skin
As I explore you
Earth and Moon shall cease to spin
And our souls will know no sin

I want to love you,
Like no one has done before
As I beseech you
Fate is racing out the door
And my hope is just no more

About Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

Writer of poetry, prose and short stories on an exploration in metrical writing focused on Love, Hope and Faith. View all posts by Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

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