Tag Archives: hope

Saint Sebastian

Secured to a tree
Accused of treason
By the Emperor
Called Diocletian

Riddled with arrows
Much like an urchin
But death did not come
Like Plague in season

Now martyred a Saint
The Doubtful question
And even the blind
Regain their vision

Harangued accuser
Ordered him taken
And then clubbed to death
Just to be certain

Thrown in a privy
Hope was not shaken
So now martyred twice
Spirit awakens

But what was his crime
Legend only knows
A soldier of Love
So the story goes

Time Is The Mistress

Time is the Mistress

we all bed,

In exchange for Faith,

Love & Hope

And Fear she will teach

us to shed,

If her lethargy

we can cope.


New Life…
laps at Hope.

Phantom Fingers…
stroke the Brain.

Cold Shadows…
chill the Heart.

Ghost Host…
pales in Truth.

Spirit spins…
in downward Spiral.


Tanked Tanka

nature nurtures love

man manipulates all hope

seeking his true faith

kismet is the kiss of life

and life is the kiss if death


Forty-five revolutions
Around the sun.
I have lived and I have loved
And I’ve lost some.

Forty-five revocations
Of my credence
In love unconditional
And it’s dispense.

Forty-five reservations
Of my self worth,
Quickly yield to erasure
In life’s grand mirth.

Forty-five revelations
Of faith and hope,
I have embraced one each year
To help me cope.

Forty-five resolutions
On my birthday
To quit greeting the morning
As a doomsday.

Sapient Mistress

In the Garden of Knowledge

Lives a sapient mistress;

Though she is blind to the world

She’ll stop to hear you confess.

And impart her sage advice,

But on a limited scope.

For her great expertise lies

In that of Faith, Love, and Hope.



the minx cousin of Hope,

of the Perchance Family.

She’s open to Doubt

or Conjecture

and full of Possibility,

but not Certainty.

Employ Hope

In our search for Love

We default to employ Hope

And hence neglect Faith

Hold The Alcohol

I need a stiff one
To help me swallow my pride
No rocks, straight up please
So I can take it in stride
And show there’s nothing to hide

Give me a chaser
To soothe the burning inside
Stir in some Hope, please
That I may drown in Love’s tide
And wake to you by my side

New Year Tanka

Ring in the New Year
with hopes of prosperity
and wipe the slate clean.
Remember: Love begets Love
and nothing’s stronger than Faith.