Sergius And Bacchus

Two Roman soldiers killed
in 303 AD,
openly gay lovers
rumored to possibly
have a closeted faith
in Christianity.

They were both arrested
when they refused to attend
sacrifices to Zeus,
a crime they could not amend;
were paraded in Drag
through the streets to no end.

Since the two did not fear,
nor felt the need to hide,
they chanted to the crowds,
that they dressed as Christ’s brides,
but their captors found this
response sordidly snide.

Separated the two,
sans mercy beat Bacchus
who died and that same night
appeared to Sergius
urging him not to give up,
“For Heaven awaits us…”

“Reunited we’ll be,
together forever!”
And only days later
Sergius’ head was severed,
realizing their love
and earthly endeavor.

About Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

Writer of poetry, prose and short stories on an exploration in metrical writing focused on Love, Hope and Faith. View all posts by Oscar Alejandro Plascencia

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